2016 State  & National Teams
Australian  Championships
Campbell Town, Tasmania
Results -        Maloney Trophy            Rowlands Trophy            Mincham Trophy

                  Woomera Trophy

           Australian Team                                        Great Britain Team

                 Great Britain & Woomera Trophy               Combined Australian & Great Britain Teams

State Teams

      New South Wales
      Back (L to R): C. Halloran, T. Smith
      Front(L to R): R. Halloran, P Bain, M. Halloran

                            South Australia / Queensland
                         Back (L to R):  G. Mincham, M. Samuels
                         Front(L to R): W. Freebairn, J. Freebairn, W. Schaffner


                          (Back L to R):  J. Collis, S. Clark
                           (Front L to R)
G. Walker, P. Monaghan, M. Walters

       (Back L to R): P. Rix, D. Ratcliffe, P. Maher, B. Southern
       (Front L to R): A. Blain, S. Courtney, D.Rich