John Kielly



Role:             Manager /Shooter


Hometown:     Brisbane


State:             Queensland


Local Club:   

Pheasant Creek Rifle Club (not really local)


Occupation :  Involuntary Volunteer                           


Age:                60ish



Wife Helen & son Rowan. All managed by a thirteen year old cat with attitude Nahla, named by a very young Rowan & a Weimaraner with a vacant cranium, sometimes called Sigmund Fiscal Fraud in honour of his breed’s ancestry & his birthday (July 1).


Australian Match Rifle Team Representation:

2004, 2006


State Match Rifle Team Representation:

Queensland 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007


Match Rifle Career:                        

Commenced: 2000 (marking F class  targets)

Winner Australian Championship 2006, 2007

Winner N.S.W. Championship 2007, 2009

Winner Queensland Championship 2009

Member of winning Queensland Rowlands Match team (2007)


Most Memorable Shooting Moment:

Winning my first gong (1200 yards – Campbell Town 2003)

Winning the Nationals 2006

Shooting a double possible at 1200 yards – Brisbane 2009


Winning Strategy:

Believe – once the necessary homework is done


Advice For New Match Rifle Shooters:

Ask the gurus what homework is necessary


Other Interests:

F Standard, a fortuitously sublimated interest in vintage wooden sailing boats, occasionally contributing to shooting chat sites and, oh, yes, avoiding being core sampled further by urologists.



Mother’s side claims pure Scot despite her father being born in Melbourne whilst the family reconnoitered Australia before finally moving out a year or two later.


Great grandfather on dad’s side was persecuted in Ireland for his rustic search for knowledge upon the trajectory of irregular objects. Rough translation: He bolted County Cork to Australia with his family after inconveniencing a Black & Tan with half a house brick. Great grandmother (a six foot redheaded lady of uncertain disposition) retaliated some time later by tossing him through the kitchen window one night when he came home Brahms.